Unimotorcycle / Unicycle Events and Races

Upcoming Unimotorcycle / Unimoto Drag Racing race according to the rules of W.U.D.O. are listed below.

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Appointment preview to W.U.D.O. events for 2025:

6. and 7. June 2025: 1th W.U.D.O. Side by Side World Championship 2025

Organizer: Heracles MC – Retie – Belgium
Location: 2470 Retie, Geenend 22, Belgium

You can register for the race at Heracles MC Belguim using the following form: Registration form


22. and 23. August 2025: 3rd Elbmarsch Cup im Unimoto Drag Race at the MC Tespe 1983

Organizer: Dreck Race Team des MC Tespe 1983
Location: 21436 Marschacht, Am Achterschlag 5,  Germany

You can register for the race at Tespe MC 1983 using the following form: Registration form


1. to 3. September 2025: 5th Unimoto Grabfeld Cup & international German Championship in Unimotorcycle Drag Race 2025 at the Derelicts MC Bavaria

Organizer: Derelicts MC Bavaria
Location:: 98630 Mendhausen , Germany

You can register for the race at Derelicts MC Bavaria using the following form: Registration form